

Villa Lara Amalfi, Lifestyle Luxuru Bed & Breakfast in Amalficoast Il Fortino Capri, Ospitalità nell'Isola Azzurra, Capri Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast

A beautiful town, situated not far from Sorrento, on a promontory overlooking the sea and dominated by the mass of Mount Faito (1400 meters), Vico Equense is famous for its sulphurous springs with well known therapeutic properties, and for being the home of "the pizza sold by the meter".
The town's name has clearly Roman origins and it derives from "vicus" (small village) to which was added "aequensis", which means "of the knights."
Although one of the favorite destinations of the Roman patricians, that built here their Summer "villas", ancient findings evidence that the area was already inhabited by the Italic peoples, at first, Greek and Etruscan, later. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the town experienced the destructive fury of the barbarian invasions at command of the Goths King Teia. In the XIII century, Vico gained its independence from Sorrento and from its dukedom, and during the wars of succession between France and Spain, the community swore allegiance to the French.
Besides the undeniable natural beauty, Vico Equense also offers an important historical and architectural heritage:
- the Cathedral of the Annunciation, dating from the XIV century, the only example of the Gothic style in the Sorrento area. Inside are preserved a carved choir, precious pieces of furniture, frescoes and paintings of great value and engraved tombs, in one of which rest the remains of the famous Neapolitan economist Gaetano Filangieri;
- the Chapel of the Assumption, which already existed in the XV century and features a fine wooden altar of the XVIII century;
- the Church of Our Lady of Graces, originally built in the XV century and rebuilt in the XVI;
- the Church and former Convent of the Holy Trinity and Paradise a complex built in the XVIII century, today seat, in the Summer, of events, exhibitions and theatrical performances;
- the Church of Saints Ciro and Giovanni, with its beautiful XVIII century majolica covered dome;
- the XVI century Church of Santa Maria del Toro, which preserves inside a fine carved and decorated coffered ceiling, a frescoed dome and an important fresco of the Renaissance period behind the altar;
- the Chapel of Saint Anthony, in Marina d'Equa;
- the XVI century Church of Santa Maria Vecchia, in Seiano, which houses numerous votive offerings of the sailors in the area;
- the circular planned Church of San Marco, completed in 1796;
- the Chapel of the Crucifix and the Immaculate Conception, in the district of Seiano;
- the Church of San Salvatore, in the homonymous village;
- the Chapel of Saint Lucia (XIV century), depicted inside with wonderful frescoes in Giotto style;
- the Church of St. John the Baptist, with the splendid XVI century altarpiece depicting the Madonna del Rosario, a plaque of the Angevin period and the bell, that is the main feature of the façade;
- the Church of St. Mary of the Castle, of ancient origins, from where it is possible to admire a beautiful view over the nearby town of Positano;
- the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, in which is preserved a Roman tombstone of the III-IV century A.D. and a block of black tuff stone, on which are engraved a cross and Greek inscription, datable to about 1000 years earlier;
- the XVIII century Church of St. Andrew the Apostle with a fine-looking ceramic tiled floor;
- the Convent of St. Francis (XVII century), from where it is possible to admire the entire Gulf of Naples. Interesting is the ceramic pavement of the Refectory and the XVII century fresco depicting "la Cena" (the supper).
- the Convent complex of the Camaldolese friars in the district of Arola;
- the Tower Caporio in Marina d'Equa;
- the Tower Scutolo in the district of Montechiaro;
- the Angevin castle, which was damaged several times over the centuries;
- the medieval Castle, built in the X century by the Duke of Sorrento;
- the former Arsenal, later used as a lime kiln, features a double row of arches in Gothic-Catalano style;
- the Antiquarium Silius Italico, an exhibition of artifacts, which date from the VII to the III century B.C. and belong to various civilizations that lived in the area (Italic, Greek and Etruscan);
- the Mineralogical Museum Campano, where a rich collection of minerals and fossils are on display.

Vico Equense


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